Main Global Justice Now website

Current Campaigns

Food Speculation

Banks, hedge funds and pension funds are betting on food prices in financial markets, causing drastic price swings in staple foods such as wheat, maize and soy.

These markets were originally developed for the benefit of those involved in the production of food, yet over the last 10 years they have changed almost beyond recognition. Deregulation has enabled speculators to dominate, causing drastic spikes and crashes in prices.

The main WDM site has a whole host of resources on our food speculation campaign, including briefings, reports and videos here. To take action visit therealgeorgeosborne site, which is currently hosting a comedy mini-series commissioned by WDM to raise awareness of the issue.

Climate Debt

WDM is campaigning in solidarity with our allies in the global south to ensure the UK fairly pays the compensation it owes for causing climate change, instead of using it to reinforce existing global inequalities, by propping up the World Bank and forcing new loans onto developing countries.

We are calling on development secretary Andrew Mitchell to stop pushing climate loans on developing countries, loans that will only lock countries into new debt and increased poverty. The UK must end its support for the discredited, undemocratic and unaccountable World Bank, and instead support funds through more democratic institutions such as the UN Adaptation Fund. Finally, we are also calling that the UK uses new money, rather than diverting money from the aid budget as they are currently doing.

Again, see the campaign page on the main site for resources, and take action here and here.

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