A small group of us attended the Free For All Arts performance on the NHS and its challenges in the light of privatisation. We gave gave attendees cards on Save Our NHS.
13th May Stop the Toxic Trade Deal with Trump: Why a US/UK Trade Deal Must be Opposed
Details to be announced
The Climate Emergency – Financing the Transition to Sustainability 11th March John Christensen
John Christensen, eminent Economist, made another visit to talk about The Climate Emergency – Financing the Transition to Sustainability. The tax justice network (https://www.taxjustice.net/2020/03/12/financing-climate-justice/) has since published a report putting forward John’s ideas. We recommend you read it. The large audience (70+)including many young people were much appreciative, asking deep and critical questions, which John answered clearly and with authority.
The Spirit Level: 29th January 29th 2020
Tom Lake gave a fact-filled talk based on the book: The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better is a book by Richard G. Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. The authors point out that the life-diminishing results of valuing growth above equality in rich societies can be seen all around us, which Tom illustrated with his review. The audience were very appreciative and demanding with their questions, as usual.
Global Justice Reading Hustings 4th December 19th 2020
Wed 30th October Lydian versus Armenia – film and discussion
Wed: 30 Oct: Lydian versus Armenia – film and discussion