After a quiet summer, we will be meeting in The Marine, Marine Parade, Saltburn from 8pm to plan our next campaign. We will be joined by our regional rep Maya Williams.
Summer walk – 2013
We held our summer walk this year on the 18th July, walking from Castleton to Danby Park. This was followed by sandwiches and chips in the Eskdale Inn.
Volunteer peace keeping in Palestine – 9th April 2013
Come and hear about the experiences of a volunteer peace keeper in Palestine on Tuesday 9th April from 8.00pm in the upstairs room of The Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Saltburn. Tricia Griffin has recently returned from Palestine so it is an ideal opportunity to find out more about a country that is often in the news.
The meeting is being organised by East Cleveland WDM.
Meeting with Tom Blenkinsop MP and Deborah Doane, Director, WDM
East Cleveland WDM held an open meeting in Saltburn, on the 11th January, for people to have the chance to meet with local MP Tom Blenkinsop and Deborah Doane, Director of WDM.
The meeting was well attended with representatives from the local churches, the local WDM group and promoters of Fairtrade products. Food speculation was the main topic covered during the meeting.
Sleepwalking into global famine – 5th September 2012
Come and hear Benny Dembitzer, author, internationally renowned economist, commentator and a member of the team that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 talk about the ideas in his new book:
Why there is a global food crisis arising
Why it is unstoppable
Why many more millions of people will die every year
What are some possible ways out of the crisis.
Wednesday 5th September, 7.30pm, Emmanuel Church Hall, Saltburn, TS12 1LE
Meeting with Ian Swales MP
Members of East Cleveland WDM met with Ian Swales MP for Redcar on 7th June to talk about the Rio+20 conference on Sustainable Development. He said he appreciated talking about important issues. He promised to read the briefing and talk to Nick Clegg before he goes to Rio.