Glasgow November – Climate Change Demo – great atmosphere and no trouble at all, in spite of media reports. Weather was variable, but there were brief moments of sun…good to see so many young people on the march.
Meeting 21/10/21
We met today on zoom to discuss the latest GJN newsletter.
Topics discussed:
- COP 26. Members are going to different locations to join events happening in York, Durham, Newcastle and Glasgow. If you would like find out more, click on the City name mentioned. Greenpeace have a list of events by Town, Also York University
- Energy Charter Treaty – This protects large energy companies from lost profits due to Government Policy on, for example moving to renewable energy. Holland and Italy are amongst countries being sued. Pakistan has tried to free itself from this divisive treaty. More information on the GJN website
- Corporate courts give fossil fuel companies the power to sue governments for taking action on the climate emergency. There is a good piece on SKY news about this – Two minute video here
- Re-Imagine” Local Event on Sustainability in Saltburn on Sunday 29 August. We had a stall handing out leaflets and petition cards calling on the abolition of Corporate Courts. It was a bit of a dull day and the location wasn’t conducive to a large number of people, but some contacts were made. Andy Welford did an open-air talk on climate justice.
Recent interactions with the media:-
- Andy Welford had written to Simon Clarke, MP for Middlesbough South and East Cleveland regarding the cut to Aid budget, and the change of law to prevent it increasing until a budget surplus is reached.
If you would like to join us our next meeting, then email Barbara for details – it may be back in the Marine Pub, Saltburn or on zoom. Date: Thursday 2nd December, 2021 Time:20:00
Global Justice Cleveland – online meeting today at 8pm Tuesday,13 July, 2021
We held an online meeting on the evening of Tuesday 13th July.
Topics discussed:
- Energy Charter Treaty – This protects large energy companies from lost profits due to Government Policy on, for example moving to renewable energy.
- Corporate courts give fossil fuel companies the power to sue governments for taking action on the climate emergency.
- Re-Imagine” Local Event on Sustainability in Saltburn on Sunday 29 August. We are aiming to have a stall there.
Recent interactions with the mdeia:-
- Barbara had her letter published in the D&S Times (13 June, 2021) on Vaccine Equality
- 6th June D&S Times on Global Warming, correcting the “deniers” on the facts.
- Andy Welford, also in the D&S Times, commented on the US-UK agricultural deal – it is a bad moooove for cattle food standards.
If you would like to join us our next meeting, then email Barbara for details – it may be back in the Marine Pub, Saltburn and will be in September.
Cancel the Debt
Group member, Piers Elias, posted on Twitter and sent a message to Robert Goodwill, his MP, via Facebook as he doesn’t seem to have a Twitter account asking him to stop the nightmare and #cancelthedebt.
Global Justice Cleveland – online meeting 26th November
We are holding an online meeting on Thursday 26th November, starting at 8pm.
If you would like to join us for the meeting, then email Barbara for details.
The future of aid – 22nd October 2020
- How the recent DfID merger fits into the longer term corporate hijack of aid
- How UK aid is used to privatise public healthcare and exacerbate inequalities
- How UK aid is used to invest in fossil fuels overseas
- What the DfID merger tells us about the government’s international vision for the UK and its work to promote Global Britain / Empire 2.0
If you would like to join us then email Barbara for the link.
If you can’t make the meeting then visit the Global Justice Now website to find out about their campaigning on aid.