Thursday 4th September, 7pm-9pm: Sheffield WDM monthly meeting
Our monthly meeting to discussing upcoming events and campaigns.
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, 10 St. James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW (nr Sheffield Cathedral)
Global Justice Sheffield
by sheffield
Thursday 4th September, 7pm-9pm: Sheffield WDM monthly meeting
Our monthly meeting to discussing upcoming events and campaigns.
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, 10 St. James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW (nr Sheffield Cathedral)
by sheffield
Thursday 7th August, 7pm-9pm: Sheffield WDM monthly meeting
Our monthly meeting to discussing upcoming events and campaigns. The main agenda item will be to do “fun brainstorming” on an autumn launch for the agribusiness campaign. We may also look at planning the protest or lobby outside the BAB (British American Business) “roadshow” for TTIP on October 1st.
NOTE – change of venue: The Church House pub, St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW (nr Sheffield Cathedral)
by sheffield
Rally & speakers – it’s time the people of Sheffield heard about TTIP.
Meet 11:45am for 12pm start
Venue: steps of the Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone St, S1 2HH
Supporters of the day of action include: Sheffield WDM, Sheffield Peoples Assembly, NUT, Trades Council, SCACC, Sheffield Save our NHS and Sheffield and Rotherham Green Party
What is TTIP?
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a so-called ‘free trade’ deal currently being negotiated by the EU and US. This deal will give big business more power over our society, our environment, our public services, and our democracy.
If agreed, TTIP would extend the power of big business over our society to unprecedented levels. Shamefully, the UK government are currently a major supporter. But together, we can defeat this agreement. See the No TTIP site for more information.
On 12 July 2014, people across the UK will be taking action to say no to TTIP. Join the #noTTIP day of action.
Please email your MP today and ask her or him to demand full transparency on the TTIP negotiations and to protect democracy, public services and the environment by opposing this aggressive new trade deal.
by sheffield
Organised by Frack Free South Yorkshire & Sheffield Climate Alliance
Tuesday 24th June, 6:30pm (for 7pm start) till 9pm – Are we going to be Fracked?
David Burley from Frack Free South Yorkshire and Chris Broome from the Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change will be discussing what is happening with Fracking in South Yorkshire, as well as national issues and the implications of this on climate change. What does it all mean and what can be done? Come along to find out the latest developments and pose your questions.
24th June, 6.30 (for 7pm start) till 9pm, Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, S1 2EW
For more information follow this link to the facebook event (you don’t need to be on facebook to see the event, but if you are please join the event as well as the Sheffield Climate Alliance Page!):
by sheffield
Thursday 29th May, 7pm-9pm
Can Sheffield take a leading role? A discussion led by Suzanne Jeffrey from the Campaign Against Climate Change. Suzanne is a key driver behind the One Million Climate Jobs and It’s Time to Act campaigns. More information about ‘Its Time to Act’ campaign on
The alternative to climate chaos starts with building a movement from below. All progressive changes in society have been brought about through movements of people, creating a massive groundswell. Think of the civil rights movement in the States, the abolition of slavery and apartheid and the winning of rights for women. The Time to Act! Campaign sets out to build a base, aiming to bring the political pressure needed to commit Government and the European Commission to a carbon-free future. Go out and argue the climate case and build local climate alliances.
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, St. James’ Street, Sheffield, S1 2EW
by sheffield
Thurs. 3rd July, Campaigning meeting, 7pm-9pm
Our monthly meeting, including finalising plans for any other summer festival stalls, plus making plans for major Agribusiness campaign actions and events in the autumn. Ideas from newcomers and non-regular members will be especially welcome!
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, St. James’ Street, Sheffield, S1 2EW.
We’re part of Global Justice Now, a democratic membership organisation which campaigns against inequality and injustice in the global economy. We want to see a world where ordinary people control the resources they need to live a decent life, rather than corporations and the super rich calling the shots.