Collapsing banks, money being created out of nothing, the belief in endless growth etc etc. How can we make sense of it all, when there are widely divergent expert opinions? To use a phrase that Schumacher coined, how can we have an economics as if people mattered. Sheffield Steiner Group are holding a talk (Fri 15th) and practical short course (Sat 16th) to help answer these questions.
Friday, 15th November, 7:30pm-9:30pm
Making sense of money – financial literacy for free initiative
From bars of gold to money as payments on mobile phones. Do we have as citizens the potential to act as if we were central bankers?
Saturday, 16th November, 10am -1pm
Money unveiled
This morning session will offer an opportunity to explore recent financial events in greater depth, through the lens of some of Rudolf Steiner’s economic concepts, particularly the three kinds of money – purchase, loan and gift. (From his World Economics Course in 1922). Is money ‘the root of all evil’ or can it be understood and worked with, so that it
can serve real human needs.
This course is for anyone: lay people and professionals, who are interested in entertaining a fresh response to what has become an increasingly stale set of opposing hypotheses
Venue: Freeman College, 88, Arundel St, Sheffield S1 2NG
Costs. Talk. £5/£3. Morning session £12/£8.
Both events £15/£9 or pay what you can afford
*Arthur Edwards, MSc (Econ) gives courses in economics and financial literacy and is editor of ‘Associate!’ a monthly journal on associative economics – ideas that gave rise to the setting up of Triodos, a social, ethical bank and influenced the artist and activist, Josef Beuys.