WDM Reading group held a stall on Monday 12th November at Reading College asking students to call on the government to stop prioritising on private sector interests when it comes to development aid for the world’s poorest.
Group Co-ordinator Jackie Oversby said “We had an excellent response to our WDM stall at Reading College on 12th November. Over 90 students and staff members signed cards to the Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Bruce MP. The students were adamant that the needs of the world’s poorest people should be prioritised when spending UK aid money, not the needs of UK businesses.”
Contact Jackie Oversby on
0118 987 3623 or jackieoversby@yahoo.co.uk
RISC Foyer, 35-39 London St Reading RG1 4PS.
WDM is looking for new members to tackle the root causes of poverty and to campaign for global equality and economic justice. For more information check http://www.wdm.org.uk or call Bente on
0118 958 6692