Saturday 18 April 2015 was a Global Day of Action against TTIP. We organised an information stall at a Reading Diversity Event and Deputy Mayor of Reading, Councillor Sarah Hacker was interested to hear about the campaign.

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A packed audience celebrated the launch of Global Justice Reading on 6th March. The Mayor of Reading, Cllr Tony Jones said he was very pleased to come and support the group as they are working on such fundamental and far-reaching issues that effect people in the UK as well as across the world.
Guy Taylor, trade campaigner from Global Justice Now said, “Everyone should know that the EU and America are negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in secret, a deal that would give American companies the right to sue the UK government if it makes a law which stops them making profits. This could mean that we will get chlorine-washed chicken and hormone fed-beaf in our shops like they do in America; it could mean that instead of companies having to prove that their products are safe before they can sell them, as is the case in the UK at present, they could sell them to us ‘until they are proved to be dangerous’, as is the case in America.” Guy said over one million people have already signed the e-petition to stop TTIP but the aim now is to get 2 million signatures.
Helen Palmer said, ‘It is one of the best meetings I have been to. Guy was a brilliant speaker and there were some very thought provoking questions from the floor.’
The launch was concluded with a celebratory reception of Fair Trade cakes, wine and juices.
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On 29 January we watched this film, @ADGmovie
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On Wednesday 22 October 7.30pm we will show a short film shows the aftermath of the Green Revolution in NW India & argues for a system where the majority, not corporate interests, controls our resources. Followed by a discussion about more sustainable systems of food production. The venue for the film screening is RISC 35-39 London St. RG1 4PS.
A second film Making another World Possible: Talking Alternatives at the World Social Forum (WSF) shows how many groups are working for change.
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We’re part of Global Justice Now, a democratic membership organisation which campaigns against inequality and injustice in the global economy. We want to see a world where ordinary people control the resources they need to live a decent life, rather than corporations and the super rich calling the shots.