Water, a right or commodity?
Wednesday 29th January 2025, 7.30 pm
RISC 35-39 London St RG1 4PS ̇
info: Jackie Oversby ☎ 07745310794 globaljusticereading@gmail.com www.globaljustice.org.uk/reading
Water is an essential resource. We all need it to stay alive. Yet a number of major cities are warning that they could run out of water unless their water use radically changes. How can we ensure that everyone has enough? Should we allow multinational companies to bottle it for profit?
25 people some of them new to GJR attended. Jackie had created a team questionnaire on the sources and uses of water to start the meeting, a very successful way to attune those present to the issues. The film (22 minutes) presented the issue of major cities running short of drinking water while bottling companies (water and coca cola) and agriculture were favoured having bought rights over the local population. The resulting discussion was engaging, demonstrating concern but unfortunately only a few solutions.
If you were unable to attend our last meeting about water, you may like to watch the film, ‘Explained / World’s Water Crisis’. It poses the question, how do we price our most valuable resource, while also ensuring access to it as a human right? You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C65iqOSCZOY