‘A crude mistake? Uganda’s oil rush and the fight for climate justice.’
We screened this at our October meeting and It is well worth watching. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlPBEXflUX8
The film investigates the pros and cons of the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) the longest heated oil pipeline in the world. If completed, EACOP will displace communities, endanger wildlife and tip the world closer to full-blown climate catastrophe. We need to #StopEACOP. Find details of the international #StopEACOP campaign at www.stopeacop.net/go-global . There are a number of quick actions you can take there.
At our meeting we raised £70 to support local Ugandans who have managed to get their case against the pipeline to the East African Court of Justice. The judges want to hear their stories but the court is far away and many of them can’t afford the bus.