For One World Week 2011 we produced an exhibition on Witnesses to Climate Change. There are some illustrations below. We also made the pictures into a PowerPoint presentation and are happy for local groups to use it as well as the exhibition. In 2015 it is still highly relevant: e.g. there is a section on the plight of Pacific Islanders – topical in the light of the storms in Vanuatu!
The exhibition was at Portsmouth University Library from through November and was been shown at Portsmouth Anglican Cathedral and St Mark’s church North End.
The pictures mostly came from Practical Action, Oxfam and World Wildlife Fund. We’re also grateful to Stop Climate Chaos (now renamed ‘The Climate Coalition’ ) for sending some to us.
If you follow the links below you should be able to find more background on pictures.
World Wildlife Fund – links to climate witnesses and their personal stories about climate change on this WWF site.