This is a late notification -anyybody free- yes, still sitting in tonight -Friday Night!!! — An Invitation to St Michael’s Social Centre –( the Irish Centre) West Derby Road- Come along at 9.30 pm— (Yes, IT IS 9.30pm) tonight to listen to some Irish Music and song – show solidarity and raise funds for Liverpool Friends of Palestine (LFOP)who are promoting and supporting a Palestinian Women’s Football Team who will be visiting and playing games in UK very soon.
Local groups
One Day Without Us
One Day Without Us. War on Want’s day of action standing up for the rights of migrants. Monday next, 20th Feb. 12.30 John Lennon Peace Memorial Quay L3 4FP, (by the Arena?)
People are being trained to discuss immigration
Here is great publicity for our Immigration – the difficult questions discussed – Works at Quakers on Saturday 25th February at 10.00pm
Corporations v Tanzanian Farmers: Dan Iles Talk at The Casa 6.30pm- Wednesday 27th April
We want to invite you to a very important talk and discussion at
The Casa Club, 29 Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BQ(0151) 709 2148 on what is happening with this new Africa Alliance and how we can show solidarity with the small farmers who are affected.
Dan has just recently returned from a fact finding visit to Tanzania to gather important research on how the Tanzanian farmers are fighting back successfully against the Big Corporations that are trying to grab control of land, seeds and soil.
On the other side passionate small-scale farmers are strengthening their networks and deepening pre-existing knowledge in an attempt to keep control of their resources.
Also, a gentle reminder to please note the early start: 6.30pm sharpish as our guest speaker has to get a train before 9.00pm due to a prior early commitment next day – but, of course we can continue discussion ’til 9.00.
Trade Campaign
A year ago the EU and Canada finished negotiating a toxic trade deal, known as CETA, that includes a secret corporate court system that would allow big business to sue our government for things like raising the minimum wage or denying fracking applications.
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have already admitted that these corporate courts are very problematic. We need to remind them that this means they have to vote against CETA.
CETA is in many ways similar to the more well-known EU-US trade agreement, TTIP. It poses a major threat to our public services, local jobs, the environment, and to the safety of our food.
Email your MEPs now and tell them to stop CETA
Ban Monsanto’s toxic chemical weed killer known as Roundup
Please tell Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Liz Truss to listen to people, not big business, and vote against the relicensing of glyphosate.
Follow this link:
and tell Liz Truss that we want to ban this relicensing of this toxic substance from Monsanto called Roundup at the earliest possible date.
The EU is soon to renew the license for glyphosate, a chemical weed killer – best known as Monsanto’s Roundup – that the World Health Organisation has found to probably cause cancer. Yet the chemical is now so widespread that traces are found in one out of every three loaves of bread consumed in the UK.
Relicensing a product that puts our health at risk, but makes millions in profits for Monsanto, is another example of the corporate control of our food system which many of us are resisting across the world.