Wednesday October 8th at 7.30pm.
Come along and join in the struggle to achieve global justice now
Say NoTTip will be on the agenda for discussion.
Where we Meet:
Directions to 10 Deacon Court, L22 5QU, tel 0151 920 7307
From Central Station go to the Northern Line station and take the Southport train (every 15mins) towards Southport
Get off at Waterloo (the Station after Seaforth and Litherland)
Exit station up the steps or the lift to the left of the steps
Turn left down South Road ( look down the road to see if any ships are passing)
First left before down Church Road
First right between the back of Tony Almonds garden Centre and the Lion and the Unicorn pub (its just a little alley) – Dean St.
Second left into Deacon Court, and its number 10 on the right.