As you probably know, we are “resting” the group pending the growth of new shoots. (“Putting to sleep” sounds too veterinary / sinister.) Stephen aspires to move to Sheffield in the new year for family reasons and our ethos has been that collective ways of working were preferable.
However this does NOT mean Global Justice need cease to be a strategically important voice in the Greater Manchester. We encourage you not only to take actions as an individual but to claim them as GJ actions, strategically introducing people to the organisation that provides not only important levers for change but high quality research which is listened to and sought by parliamentary committees, national and international media, and the like.
We also encourage you to actively seek partners and to support others with kindred concerns and ethos. We’ve gained far greater impact through this, both in terms of bods on the street and authority in argument. Thanks to our comrades pictured herein. Collaboration works.
And we encourage you to (re)form as an organic Manchester group as having that local identity opens doors and gives opportunities to speak. As an individual you can’t claim an audience with any MP other than your constituency’s; as a Manchester group you can, claiming (with some justification if you’ve spoken with people in the area) to give voice to local concerns.
This may seem a little intimidating at first, but you can gain experience with others and support from GJN.
So, at the risk of boring or being felt to boast here are some pics. of our activities over the last 16 or so years showing the sort of thing you can do to get an image for a post and arrest attention. You may recognise yourself, friends or local scenes and politicians herein.
As Wellington’s motto has it: Virtutis Fortuna Comes- Fortune favours the bold!
And as the young say: “(Siya) laters!
If you are interested in helping out on Global Justice Now campaigns in Manchester, even if only occasionally, please let Guy Taylor at the GJN office know:
P.S. Does anyone know the whereabouts of the massive white rip-stop nylon Climate Change Kills banner (now with WDM logo cut off) in its blue mail sack?