Come and join us at one of our meetings on:
7th January
7th March – AGM
7th April
All meetings start at 8.15 and are held in the Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Saltburn.
It is worth getting in touch to check arrangements haven’t changed.
News and information about Global Justice Cleveland
by GJ Cleveland
Come and join us at one of our meetings on:
7th January
7th March – AGM
7th April
All meetings start at 8.15 and are held in the Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Saltburn.
It is worth getting in touch to check arrangements haven’t changed.
by GJ Cleveland
Members of Cleveland Global Justice Now on the Climate Change march in Newcastle on Sunday 29th November. Other members attended the march in Durham on Saturday 27th November and went to Paris during the Climate Change talks.
by GJ Cleveland
Pick a card to find out the effect of the New Alliance on peasant farmers in Africa – peasant farmers got a small piece of cake and multinational corporations a large piece of cake.
Next complete an action card to send to your MP.
by GJ Cleveland
by GJ Cleveland
Come and join our local group meetings on the following dates:
Thursday 19th November 2015
Thursday 7th January 2016
Thursday 18th February 2016
Thursday 7th April 2016
We meet from 8.15 pm in The Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Saltburn.
by GJ Cleveland
We are meeting in The Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Saltburn-by-the-Sea starting at 8.15pm.
Please join us to help decide the focus of our campaigning work.
We’re part of Global Justice Now, a democratic membership organisation which campaigns against inequality and injustice in the global economy. We want to see a world where ordinary people control the resources they need to live a decent life, rather than corporations and the super rich calling the shots.