Read about what we are up to in the minutes from the meeting we held on 25th October 2018. This meeting had been re-arranged from the 18th October.
Global Justice Cleveland minutes June and September 2018
Global Justice Cleveland meeting dates March – December 2018
Meeting dates for your diary:
- 22nd March
- 26th April
- 7th June
- 19th July
- 25th October
- 29th November
- 18th December
Global Justice Cleveland – summer walk and talk 19th July 2018
Join us for our annual walk and talk event, meeting at 7:00 pm at Coatham Marsh Reserve car park, Redcar. Weather permitting we will have a look round the reserve, share a picnic and then finish with a drink in a local pub.
Please get in touch by email if you would like to join us for the evening, in case plans change at the last minute.