We made our point against corporate courts in two Saturday actions in September.
On 18 September, a High Street stall in the suburb village of Cherry Hinton, where several group members live. The stall was our base and we patrolled around it, pumping out leaflets and engaging people in conversation. Interestingly different from previous forays of this kind in the city centre.
Those had put us up against a rapid flow of people from all directions. You had to decide early on whether you were pumping out leaflets (to moving people) or gathering signatures (from static people — those window-shopping, tethering their bikes, between mobile conversations, waiting for buses).
Cherry Hinton’s flow was slower but fairly steady. We gave out a lot of leaflets, and we got to talk with people.
I hope we’ll use this venue again!

Then on 25 September we joined friends from other groups in the COP26 Coalition at their Climate Fair on Parker’s Piece. This is a large, open, grassy area with paths converging at a central lamp-post that’s known to Cambridge people as ‘Reality Checkpoint‘. With us on the path to Reality Checkpoint were Clean Air Cambs, Cambridge Stop War, Friends of the Cam, and Cambridge Friends of the Earth — and, more importantly still, a lot of passers-by who were happy to talk and take action cards from us.