The pictures are from the meeting in Wesley Church on 7 October. War on Want Director John Hilary and Cambridge law lecturer Eva Nanopoulos updated us on the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. John told us of encouraging things: the 3.25m-signature-strong European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP, the anti-austerity protests at the Tory Party conference in Manchester earlier in the week. But he warned that TTIP, too, had the wind in its sails, with the European Parliament’s July vote showing strong support for the deal, and with the parallel Trans-Pacific Partnership through to agreement. Eva warned that the Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanisms, a focus of the TTIP negotiations, would have the effect of destroying any sense of equality before the law.
So some of us took to the street again three days later. 10 October was a day of action against TTIP. We went to the Market Square and Petty Cury and the bus stops, and pumped out leaflets, and gathered signatures. It was gratifying, rather than humiliating, to start working the bus stop for signatures and find that people were on our side and had signed already.
The 7 October meeting was organised jointly with Cambridge People’s Assembly against Austerity, Cambridge Keep Our NHS Public, and UNISON. Between John and Eva in the pictures is CPAA’s Olivier Tonneau, who chaired the meeting.