Author / activist / slam poet Danny Chivers promoted his book The no-nonsense guide to climate change on Monday 30 January, at Friends’ Meeting House, Jesus Lane, in a workshop entitled ‘Some good news for a (climate) change’.
Danny was one of six people due to be tried in January 2011 for planning to invade Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station. That case collapsed after revelations about undercover police officer Mark Kennedy. The book, published by _New Internationalist_, is a pocket guide to the climate issue, using friendly, jargon-free language (along with a smattering of humour, poetry and unusual analogies) to explain the latest science, politics, solutions, technologies, barriers, activism, and where we go from here.
And, he explained, his notes for the talk were printed on backs of the prosecution papers that had been served on him in connection with the trial.