Hear from Global Justice Now trade campaigner Jean Blaylock about the dangers that corporate courts pose for the climate and what we can do about them.
Thursday 5th May, 7.30pm, zoom Fossil fuel companies are using secret tribunals to sue governments for over $18bn over climate policy. Two governments have already admitted fear of these tribunals has limited their climate action and that’s probably the tip of the iceberg. These tribunals, or ‘corporate courts’, are written into trade deals. One of these deals, the Energy Charter Treaty, is being used by several of the fossil fuel companies. The call for the UK to exit the Energy Charter Treaty and stop signing new trade deals with corporate courts is growing. Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-corporate-courts-are-blocking-climate-action-and-how-we-can-stop-them-tickets-318953918757 for joining details. |