Although we’re a relatively small group, we’ve engaged in several activities over the past year in support of Global Justice Now campaigns:
– Following a meeting with Zac Goldsmith (then Richmond Park MP) at the end of 2015, we continued to correspond with him on the subject of agroecology, to try to persuade him to issue a comment on the latest report on the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.
– In March, along with Transition Town Kingston, we organised a public meeting: “Whose food is it anyway? Exploring the corporate takeover of the global food system and the alternatives”. Aisha Dodd Dodwell from Global Justice Now and Andy Goldring, chief executive of the Permaculture Association addressed an audience of around 40 people, stimulating some interesting discussion.
– In June, in collaboration with Ham Green Screen, we showed Naomi Klein’s film “This Changes Everything” to a very packed Ham Library Community Space.