Global Justice Richmond and Kingston is a group of committed local people who campaign to tackle the root causes of global poverty and injustice. We are part of Global Justice Now, a democratic movement in the UK which campaigns in solidarity with people in the Global South.
For more information about us and what we’re up to, or to find out how you can be more involved, contact Jeannette James at
Current issues
Tax havens Back in April 2018, we showed the film, The Spider’s Web, about Britain’s role in establishing the present financial order, and we continue to be interested in the issues of tax avoidance and money laundering. Our campaign is taken up by the web-site which is edited by one of our members. This site contains the monthly Knotweed Newsletter and a fortnightly blog, as well as some other pieces.
Trade Following Brexit, the UK will be negotiating new trade treaties. Given the precedents, we need to prepare ourselves to campaign against worrying possibilities such as the investor-state dispute settlement system [ ISDS secret courts ].
Page last updated 20-May-2020