Naz Shah MP will speak about climate change on 8.1.15, arrive 7 for 7.30pm venue St Cuthbert’s Unity Centre, 53 Wilmer Road, Bradford BD9 4Rx
Bringing you all the news and actions from Bradford's Global Justice group
Councillor Engel (left) proposed that Bradford become a TTIP free zone on 14.7.15. This motion was passed. On the right is Teresa Edwards, one of the several constituents who contacted Councillor Engel to express concerns re TTIP. TTIP, or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal is being negotioated between the EU and the US. It is a threat to our democracy, health and safety and public services. See for more information on the latest about TTIP .
We’re part of Global Justice Now, a democratic membership organisation which campaigns against inequality and injustice in the global economy. We want to see a world where ordinary people control the resources they need to live a decent life, rather than corporations and the super rich calling the shots.