With your help we’ve campaigned hard for over three years to build public pressure and make food speculation an issue that can’t be ignored. Now we’ve seen historic progress. For the first time the EU has rules to tackle food speculation. For further details see www.wdm.org.uk
Calderdale WDM hosts Sarah Reader for…
Plane Truths talk
We are looking forward to hearing more about the impacts of the aviation talk from Rose Bridger on 29th April from 6-8 at the Re:Centre on Btradford University campus
Don’t miss it!
Local press coverage of climate change stunt
WDM campaigners ‘climate crime scene’ in Telegraph and Argus
Join Fairtrade Bradford for Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 24 Feb – 9 March
Bradford Fairtrade Zone event Saturday 1 March.
We have the ‘good food advice’ stall for the day in Oaster Shopping centre, Bradford, (indoors!) and Fairtrade banana farmer Aimeth will be with us form Columbia. We have Soraya from Jamie’s Ministry of Food giving banana recipe demonstrations throughout the day and a juice bike to make banana smoothies a la Tour de France. Please join us and if you can help for an hour between 10am and 3pm contact Mollie on 01274 493191.